Norwegian Star February, 19 2011
Embarkation can be a love/hate relationship. Excited at the prospect of cruising, you have filled out all the necessary forms and have documents in hand. You have pre-printed you luggage tags and attached them correctly. On arrival at the port, there are porters who will take your baggage and send it to your cabin leaving you with only a carry on. Once past the airport-like security checkpoint, you wait in line in an orderly fashion and are greeted by a happy person. They take your picture and issue you a ship card that acts as identification, room key and ship account charge card. Or at least that is what should happen; sometimes life happens and there are delays. Don't be grumpy, your cruise awaits! On this occasion, things went well and we were on board in short order.
I will offer some advice: Pack sparingly! I watched a newly wed husband doing his best imitation of a pack mule hauling three extra large suitcases and three huge carry on bags. The bride's purse was a large as my suitcase. All this for a seven day cruise! We each carry a medium sized suitcase and a backpack. So much less to deal with.
Once on board, we checked out our cabin and had lunch in the the Market Buffet (ham and cheese sandwich and a slice of cake for me - sliced beef and vegetables for the wife.) We attended the mandatory life boat drill, and celebrated our departure with cocktails. We always do research in advance and try to know the layout and amenities of each ship. Arm yourself with the available ship map and take a tour. It will make getting around much easier. We chose to eat dinner in the Aqua Restaurant. The wife had the Caesar salad with mahi mahi and I had peach soup and a New York Steak. Norwegian offers what they call 'freestyle dining.' This allows you the luxury of eating when and with whom you want. Be warned! You could eat twenty four hours a day, save a little space in you tummy for the next meal. We love to cruise - let the party begin!

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